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FLOGATE flap gates are self-operating control gates, used to maintain water level differences between the 2 sides of the gates by allowing unidirectional flow. High water level on the upstream behind the gate will allow flow through the gate. Conversely, high water level on the downstream end (in front of the gate), will force shut the gate to avoid flow upstream.
Manufactured from premium engineering-grade HDPE sheet panels, FLOGATE gates have no mechanical or electrical operated mechanism, nor does it need human intervention to work. Available in round and rectangular shapes to suit different applications, FLOGATE flap gates can be available in stand-alone designs or attached on FLOGATE pipes and culverts.


Used in agriculture, irrigation, drainage and flood management schemes for any of the following functions
> Tidal control
> Prevent backflow in washout lines
> Prevent intrusion of salt water during high tide

Product Features

EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG & TOUGH – Fabricated from thick HDPE panels with strong stainless steel hinge joints, the reinforced gate design ensures that the gate can withstand both hydrostatic pressures when submerged and mechanical forces from strong flows and debris
GOOD SEAL PERFORMANCE – FLOGATE flap gates are designed with proprietary PE seal system which is tough, long-lasting and seals the gate well
UV RESISTANT – HDPE material for FLOGATE flap gates contains carbon black additives which are excellent UV retardants for outdoor exposure
LIGHTWEIGHT – HDPE products are inherently light and eases transportation, handling and installation
FAST INSTALLATION – The gates can be supplied pre-assembled onto FLOGATE pipes. This pipe-gate system greatly reduces the time of installation. Stand-alone gates come with flanges or connector clamps which can be easily installed onto existing culverts or wing walls
CHEMICAL RESISTANT – HDPE, being an inert material, can resist the extremes of pH in soil, sewage and wastewater without degrading
ABRASION RESISTANT – HDPE resists abrasion better than conventional material like concrete and steel which can pit and rust. As a result, FLOGATE pipes can ensure good, long-term flow characteristics

Product Range

Pre-installed Flap Gates – available for all FLOGATE pipe sizes up to 1800mm
Stand-alone Flap Gates
  • Round-type – Available up to diameter 1800mm opening
  • Square/Rectangular type – Available in various configuration up to 2000mm opening


Project References



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Working hours: 8.30 am – 5.00 pm
Saturday – Thursday, excluding public holiday & Friday
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012-6964709     or
